Crime Action Adventure Thriller
When Nick Davis leaves prison after one year in solitaire, he is hired to operate forklift in a warehouse in the harbor owned by the Japanese Yakuza patriarch Isshin Tendo. The place is assaulted by the Italian Mafia leaded by Dino Campanela and Nick rescues and saves the life of Shuji Sawamoto, who is the representative of Yakuza interests in America. Shuji hires Nick to work for Yakuza and becomes his godfather in the family after his oath to join Yakuza. However, Nick is a lonely FBI undercover agent assigned to penetrate in the criminal organization. When the FBI discovers that Campanela is organizing a massive attack to destroy the Yakuza, Nick's boss Littman calls off the operation to leave the dirty work to the Italian Mafia. But the connection of Nick with Shuji and his goddaughter Yuko forces him to help his Japanese family.
Directed by
Frank A. Cappello
Written by
Max Strom, Takashige Ichise
Robert Forster
Viggo Mortensen
Nick Davis / David Brandt
Yuji Okumoto
Michael Nouri
Dino Campanela
Ryo Ishibashi
Shuji Sawamoto
Anzu Lawson
Franklyn Ajaye
Nicky Katt
John Fujioka
Isshin Tendo
Jimmy Taenaka
John Hammil
Agent #2
John Allen Nelson
Saiko Isshiki
Rosine 'Ace' Hatem
Agent #1
Fritz Mashimo
Jeff Bankert
Medical Student

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