Drama TV Movie
Sarah McDavid, an idealistic young teacher, takes a job in a rough high school where she is eventually attacked and raped in her classroom after school hours and decides to buck the school system in an attempt to make schools safer for students and teachers alike, against the advice of the school's principal, Dr. Keys, who tries to gloss over the hazardous conditions and the incident itself to avoid bad publicity and decreased enrollment.
Directed by
John Llewellyn Moxey
Written by
Lois Peyser, Arnold Peyser
Eric Stoltz
Pete Brady
Ally Sheedy
Tracy Barnes
Vernee Watson-Johnson
Kip Leslie
Ned Beatty
Dr. Walter Keys
Robert Picardo
Scott Crowell
James Karen
Dr. Spandler
James Sloyan
Fran Bennett
Ms. Merriam
Richard Venture
Mr. Hourgil
Gloria Stuart
Mrs. Fowler
Patty Duke
Sarah McDavid
Victoria Racimo
Sgt. Smith
Juney Smith
2nd Tough Kid
Nancy Malone
Bill Morey
Hunter von Leer
William Marquez
Mr. Hernandez
Wesley Thompson
1st Tough Kid
Marilyn Kagan
Alexandra Johnson
Danie-Wade Dalton
Eric Boles
Howard Goodwin
Perry Halligan
John Furlong
Police Sergeant

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