Comedy Romance
Two fast-talking insurance salesmen meet Mary, who is running away from her wealthy mother, and they agree to help her run a hotel that she owns. When they find out that the hotel is run down and nearly abandoned, they launch a phony PR campaign that presents the hotel as a resort favored by the rich. Their advertising succeeds too well, and many complications soon arise.
Directed by
Edward F. Cline
Natalie Moorhead
Duchess Bessie Von Essie
Stanley Fields
McKay, Blackwell Henchman
Dorothy Lee
Mary Marsh
Jobyna Howland
Mrs. Rebecca Marsh
Bert Wheeler
Wilbur Boswell
Hugh Herbert
Hotel House Detective
Ralf Harolde
John Blackwell aka Buffalo Blackie
William B. Davidson
Frank Dukette aka Duke of Winchester (as William Davidson)
Robert Woolsey
Addington Ganzy
George F. Marion
Ritz de la Rivera Bellboy

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