Horror Drama Romance
After leaving work one night, Los Angeles attorney Jeff Mills and his colleague rescue a young, beautiful woman from an abusive boyfriend. Jeff soon becomes romantically involved with her and embroiled in the web of intrigue that follows her, despite a string of ominous happenstances and repeated warnings from his secretary.
Directed by
Janet Greek
Written by
Tracy Tormé
Kelly Preston
Miranda Reed
Tim Daly
Jeff Mills
M.C. Gainey
Audra Lindley
Mrs. White
Rick Rossovich
Derek Clayton
Stefan Gierasch
Edgar DeWitt
Julian Christopher
Tim Weatherly
Diana Bellamy
Grace Woods
Anthony Crivello
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Lt. Lee
Marisa Redanty
Bob McCracken
Sally Kemp
Marilyn DeWitt
Kyle T. Heffner
Herbie Green
Alexandra Morgan
Cynthia Steele
Diane Racine
Woman in Coven
Melodee Spevack
Young Witch

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