Drama Romance
Ms. Isabel Archer isn't afraid to challenge societal norms. Impressed by her free spirit, her kindhearted cousin writes her into his fatally ill father's will. Suddenly rich and independent, Isabelle ventures into the world, along the way befriending a cynical intellectual and romancing an art enthusiast. However, the advantage of her affluence is called into question when she realizes the extent to which her money colors her relationships.
Directed by
Jane Campion
Nicole Kidman
Isabel Archer
Christian Bale
Edward Rosier
Viggo Mortensen
Caspar Goodwood
John Malkovich
Gilbert Osmond
Shelley Winters
Mrs. Touchett
Shelley Duvall
Countess Gemini
Pat Roach
Barbara Hershey
Madame Serena Merle
Mary-Louise Parker
Henrietta Stackpole
John Gielgud
Mr. Touchett
Amy Lindsay
Miss Molyneux #1
Richard E. Grant
Lord Warburton
Martin Donovan
Ralph Touchett
Valentina Cervi
Pansy Osmond
Achille Brugnini
Footman At Ballroom
Roger Ashton-Griffiths
Bob Bantling
Catherine Zago
Mother Superior
Alessandra Vanzi
Nun #2
Eddy Seager
Strongman's Spruiker
Emanuele Carucci Viterbi
Roccanera Butler
Francesca Bartellini
Isabel's Maid
Massimo Biondi

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