Crime Drama Romance
After robbing and murdering his married lover and then making her death look like suicide, conniving philanderer Ronnie Mason relocates to Los Angeles. Under a new identity and claiming to be a writer, Ronnie finds lodging at the home of Hilda Fenchurch and her mother. He woos Hilda, knowing she has money, but when he discovers that Hilda's sister, Anne, has just inherited $25,000, he switches his attentions to her.
Directed by
Robert Florey
Rosemary DeCamp
Dr. Jane Silla
Bruce Bennett
Dr. Andrew Lang
Paul Panzer
Police in Office
Mary Servoss
Mrs. Fenchurch
Richard Erdman
Bunkie Taylor (as Dick Erdman)
Addison Richards
Police Inspector
John Ridgely
Thomas Turner
Mona Freeman
Anne Fenchurch
Clancy Cooper
Police Captain with Suicide Note
Monte Blue
Policeman in Car
Zachary Scott
Ronnie Mason
Robert Arthur
Hotel Boy
Faye Emerson
Hilda Fenchurch
Joyce Compton
Virginia Sale
Mrs. Crockett
J. Scott Smart
Mrs. Crockett's Roomer
Howard M. Mitchell
James Notaro
Policeman in Car

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