Crime Drama
In New York, a bank robbery of $300,000 goes unsolved for a year, until some of the marked bills are found in a Los Angeles drugstore theft. Police detectives Cal Bruner and Jack Farnham investigate and are led from the drugstore to a nightclub, where singer Lili is another recipient of a stolen bill. With Lili's help, the partners track down the remaining money, but both Lili and Frank are dismayed when Cal decides he wants to keep part of it.
Directed by
Don Siegel
Written by
Ida Lupino, Collier Young
Ida Lupino
Lilli Marlowe
Steve Cochran
Police Sgt. Cal Bruner
Dean Jagger
Police Capt. Michaels
Howard Duff
Police Sgt. Jack Farnham
Dabbs Greer
Sam Marvin (uncredited)
William Boyett
Stimson (uncredited)
Dorothy Malone
Francey Farnham
Richard Deacon
Mr. Mace (uncredited)
Jimmy Hawkins
Delivery Boy (uncredited)
King Donovan
Evney Serovitch (uncredited)
James Anderson
Patrolman in Locker Room (uncredited)
Jerry Hausner
Hausner (uncredited)
Chester Conklin
Murdered Man in Elevator (uncredited)
David Newell
George Dockstader
Fugitive (uncredited)
Bridget Duff
Bridget Farnham (uncredited)
Tom Monroe
Patrolman Tom (uncredited)
Kenneth Patterson
Detective Lt. Lubin (uncredited)
Sammy Shack
Racetrack Patron (uncredited)
Chris O'Brien
Coroner (Uncredited)

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