Comedy Drama Romance
Blake Washburn blames manufacturer MacFarland for his defeat in the race for re-election to the state legislature. He takes over his uncle's newspaper to take on big business as an enemy of the people. Miss Martin works in the "Herald" newspaper office. When tragedy strikes, Blake must re-examine his views.
Directed by
Arthur Pierson
Written by
Arthur Pierson
Marilyn Monroe
Iris Martin
Harry Harvey
Andy Butterworth
Ray Teal
Complaining Electrical Worker (uncredited)
Byron Foulger
Berny Miles
Bess Flowers
Patron at Barbecue Room (uncredited)
Donald Crisp
John MacFarland
Hugh Beaumont
Bob MacFarland (uncredited)
Glenn Tryon
Ken Kenlock
Nelson Leigh
Dr. Johnson
Alan Hale Jr.
Slim Haskins
Dorothy Adams
Hospital Nurse (uncredited)
Jeffrey Lynn
Blake Washburn
Tom Keene
Abbott (uncredited)
Matt McHugh
Waiter (uncredited)
Marjorie Reynolds
Janice Hunt
Robert Foulk
Electrical Worker (uncredited)
Renny McEvoy
Leo, the Taxi Driver
Griff Barnett
Uncle Cliff Washburn
Arthur Pierson
Melinda Casey
Katie Washburn
Barbara Brown
Mrs. Washburn
Virginia Campbell
Phoebe Hartman
Speck Noblitt
Motorcycle Officer

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