Drama History TV Movie
This powerful follow-up to “The Gathering Storm” follows Churchill from 1940 to 1945 as he guided his beleaguered nation through the crucible of the war years--even as his marriage was encountering its own struggles.
Directed by
Thaddeus O'Sullivan
Written by
Hugh Whitemore
Brendan Gleeson
Winston Churchill
Iain Glen
King George VI
Janet McTeer
Clementine Churchill
Patrick Malahide
Major General Bernard Montgomery
Len Cariou
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Adrian Scarborough
Andrew Havill
King's Private Secretary
Bill Paterson
Clement Attlee
Donald Sumpter
Lord Halifax
Robert Pugh
General Ismay
Emma Hamilton
James D'Arcy
Jock Colville
Terrence Hardiman
Captain Pim
Jack Shepherd
Neville Chamberlain
Clive Mantle
Aleksey Petrenko
Josef Stalin
Gethin Anthony
1st Pilot
John Albasiny
Stalin's Interpreter
Howard Goodall

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