Animation Sci-Fi
A science-fiction fantasy based loosely on the classical Japanese Noh theatre drama Adachi-ga Hara about the demon Onibaba, of which lyrical extracts are quoted at intermission-like intervals throughout the film. The plot centres on a journey made by a space pilot named Yūkei who arrives at a planet upon which a murderous "witch" is said to reside.
Directed by
Nao Sakaguchi
Miki Ito
Anny (voice)
Hisako Kyoda
Witch (voice)
Koji Tsujitani
Yuukei (voice)
Kenji Utsumi
Damokuresu (voice)
Ritsuo Sawa
Caretaker (voice)
Toshiro Ishii
Man (voice)
Koichi Chiba

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