Drama Romance Comedy
Yura and Makoto married after meeting each through a blind date. They were both inexperienced prior with intimacy prior to their marriage. On their first night together as husband and wife they have problems with their inexperience. They decide to step up to become a real married couple...
Directed by
Yokoyama Kazuhiro
Yuri Morishita
Yura Onoda
Miyuki Yokoyama
Rika Kawada
Aimi Nakamura
Makie Sugiyama
Riki Miura
Makoto Onoda
Atsushi Ninomiya
Yusuke Nagatsuka
Hideki Nakamatsu
Manabu Okahama
Hidehiko Emi
Koichiro Matsuzaki
Takahiro Ochi
Yosaku Inagaki
Mika Kubota
Makie Sugiyama

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