Drama Romance
Pao Ge returns to Hong Kong after hiding out in Brazil to search for a girl he had a brief encounter with just to remember her face before his memory fades. An eclectic cast, abundant postmodernism and just the right dash of self-aware humor make this a turn-of-the-century Hong Kong Cinema gem.
Directed by
Riley Yip
Written by
Riley Yip
Shu Qi
Ah Nam
Anthony Wong Chau-Sang
Brother Kei
Eric Tsang
Roy 'Mountain Leopard'
Nicholas Tse
Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu
Third Sister
Stephen Fung
Mountain Leopard in '70
Sam Lee
Nine Dragons in '70
Stephen Tung Wai
Gui Jian Chou in '70
Alex Lam Chi-Sin
Kelly Chen
Michael Chan
Nine Dragons
Terence Yin
Brother Chai
Cheung Tat-Ming
Master Twelve in '70
Elaine Jin
Smokey's mother
Tony Ho
Mad Dog Wah in '70
Jo Kuk Cho-Lam
Dee Dee
Vincent Wan Yeung-Ming
Steve Wong Ka-Keung

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