Comedy Crime
Tommy McCoy and "Dude" Markey are both in love with Harlem singer/dancer Nita. Markey robs a jewelry store and turns the loot over to gang-boss Murray Howard. Later, Markey robs the safe, steals the jewelry, and, in order to get rid of his rival for Nita, frames the robbery on McCoy. The latter's big-brother thinks otherwise and, with Nita's help, sets out to prove it.
Directed by
Arthur Dreifuss
Juanita Moore
Nightclub Patron
Jeni Le Gon
F.E. Miller
Nightclub Comedian
Florence O'Brien
Maceo Bruce Sheffield
Murray Howard
Monte Hawley
Jim McCoy
Edward Thompson
Dude Markey
Buck Woods
Charles Hawkins
Jack Clisby
Tom Southern
Vernon McCalla
Charles Gordon
Arthur Ray
Lucille Battle
Nightclub Patron
Mildred Boyd
Nightclub Patron
Alfred Grant
Nightclub Patron
Avanelle Harris
Nightclub Patron
Freddie Jackson
Tommy McCoy

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