Drama Romance
A young woman living in the South Korean town of Paju recalls the last 8 years of her life, since a young man on the lam escaped to it from Seoul and married her older sister.
Directed by
Park Chan-ok
Written by
Lee Yoo-rim, Park Chan-ok
Han Yeri
Lee Kyung-young
Lee Sun-kyun
Kim Joong-sik
Son Kang-gook
Oh Dae-hwan
Insurance Inspector
Sim Yi-young
Choi Eun-soo
Seo Woo
Choi Eun-mo
Lee Dae-yeon
Jeong Man-sik
Loses Property for Development 4
Kim Ja-young
Loses Property for Development 1
Song Yo-sep
Taxi Driver
Kim Bo-kyung
Jung Ja-young
Lee Bong-gyu
1st Floor Man
Kim Min-su
No Eung-soo
Loses Property for Development 2
Kim Han-joon
Loses Property for Development 7
Choi Wook
Refugee Authority
Park Se-jong
Current Twin 2

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