Animation Comedy
In pre-French Revolution Bastille, the Marquis is held being unjustly accused of working to overthrow the king. While his talking penis, Colin, longs for action, Marquis himself only desires to write his deviant stories in peace.
Directed by
Henri Xhonneux
Written by
Roland Topor, Henri Xhonneux
Valérie Kling
Colin (voice)
Michel Robin
Ambert (voice)
Roger Crouzet
Lupino (voice)
Nathalie Juvet
Juliette (voice)
François Marthouret
Marquis (voice)
Isabelle Wolfe
Justine (voice)
Vicky Messica
Dom Pompero (voice)
René Lebrun
Gaëtan de Preaubois / Bernardin (voice)
Bob Morel
Pigonou (voice)
Willem Holtrop
Willem (voice)
Eric De Sarria
Jaco (voice)
Henri Rubinstein
Orleans (voice)

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