Romance Drama
Larita Filton is named as correspondent in a scandalous divorce case. She escapes to France to rebuild her life where she meets John Whittaker. They are later married, but John's well-to-do family finds out Larita's secret.
Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
Written by
Eliot Stannard, Noël Coward
Ian Hunter
The Plaintiff's Counsel
Benita Hume
Telephone Receptionist (uncredited)
Ben Webster
Justice Halstead (uncredited)
Violet Farebrother
Mrs. Whittaker
Enid Stamp-Taylor
Dorothy Boyd
Hilda Whittaker
Robin Irvine
John Whittaker
Franklin Dyall
Aubrey Filton
Frank Elliott
Colonel Whittaker
Isabel Jeans
Larita Filton
Eric Bransby Williams
Claude Robson - the co-respondent
Dacia Deane
Marion Whittaker

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