Adventure Fantasy Drama Romance
British diplomat Robert Conway and a small group of civilians crash land in the Himalayas, and are rescued by the people of the mysterious, Eden-like valley of Shangri-la. Protected by the mountains from the world outside, where the clouds of World War II are gathering, Shangri-la provides a seductive escape for the world-weary Conway.
Directed by
Frank Capra
Ronald Colman
Robert " Bob " Conway
Thomas Mitchell
Henry Barnard
Sam Jaffe
High Lama
Carl Stockdale
Missionary (uncredited)
Jane Wyatt
Sondra Bizet
Isabel Jewell
Gloria Stone
John Howard
George Conway
Noble Johnson
Leader of Porters (uncredited)
Edward Everett Horton
Alexander P. " Lovey " Lovett
Willie Fung
Bandit Leader at Fuel Stop-over (uncredited)
David Torrence
Prime Minister (uncredited)
Richard Loo
Shanghai Airport Official (uncredited)
Margaret McWade
Missionary (uncredited)
Victor Wong
Bandit Leader (uncredited)
Chief John Big Tree
Porter (uncredited)
David Clyde
Embassy Club Steward (uncredited)
Wedgwood Nowell
Englishman (uncredited)
H.B. Warner
Wyrley Birch
Missionary (uncredited)
John T. Murray
Meeker (uncredited)
John Burton
Wynant (uncredited)
Milton Owen
Fenner (uncredited)
George Chan
Chinese Priest (uncredited)
Norman Ainsley
Embassy Club Steward (uncredited)
Harold Lishman
Porter (uncredited)

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