War Drama History Thriller
A mysterious tale set around a traditional British family on the eve of World War Two. Oblivious to the looming shadow of World War II, the wealthy Keyes maintain a confident façade in the British countryside until daughter Anne becomes an unexpected pawn. Her accidental discovery of secret recordings creates a rift in the family.
Directed by
Stephen Poliakoff
Written by
Stephen Poliakoff
Eddie Redmayne
Ralph Keyes
Bill Nighy
Alexander Keyes
Juno Temple
Celia Keyes
David Tennant
Christopher Lee
Older Walter Page
Jenny Agutter
Charlie Cox
Hugh Bonneville
Toby Regbo
Michael Walton
Julie Christie
Aunt Elizabeth
Romola Garai
Anne Keyes
Jeremy Northam
Joseph Balcombe
Tom Goodman-Hill
Richard Cordery
Nicholas Blane
Anthony Flanagan
Military Policeman
Corin Redgrave
Oliver Page
Muriel Pavlow
old Anne Keyes
Sam Kubrick-Finney
young Walter Page
Ryan Kiggell
Soldier Guarding Door
Lorraine Heggessey

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