Romance Drama
Based on 16-year-old writer Sarie Hinakura’s award winning story Jellyfish is centered around two adolescent girls disconnected from their immediate environment of school and mates. They first get together while staring into a jellyfish tank at a local aquarium. The relationship that ensues eventually faces tension from the divergent personalities of the two protagonists, one of whom explores a heterosexual relationship with a fellow student. Jealousy and the wrath of a lover spurned are inevitable spillovers.
Directed by
Shusuke Kaneko
Shinji Matsubayashi
Megumi Okina
Naomi Akimoto
Rie Kuwana
Mio Ohtani
Yumi miyashita
Kotaro Kakimoto
Ryôsuke Kawamura
Rumi Hanai
Takaaki Nomi
Yû Chidai
Hiroki Kawata
Tsubasa Nakata
Mao Shimizu

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