Thriller Crime
Jim Fletcher, waking up from a coma, finds he is to be given a court martial for treason and charged with informing on fellow inmates in a Japanese prison camp during WWII. Escaping from the hospital he tries to clear himself by enlisting the aid of Martha Gregory, widow of a service buddy he was accused of informing on. Helped also by Ted Niles, a surviving fellow prisoner, he gets closer to finding the answers he needs, and becomes ensnared in a grandiose scheme involving his Japanese ex-prison guard, $10,000,000 of US currency forged by the Japanese and a burgeoning crime network poised to wreak havoc throughout southern California.
Directed by
Richard Fleischer
Barbara Hale
Martha Gregory
Martha Hyer
Miss Harwick
Bill Williams
Jim Fletcher
Ann Doran
Nurse (uncredited)
Frank Fenton
Robert Bray
Gunsel Blake
Frank Wilcox
Navy Hospital Doctor
Richard Loo
Ken Tokoyama
Marya Marco
Helen Minoto
James Craven
John Wheeler
Grandon Rhodes
Naval Intelligence Agent Clark
Harold Landon
Blind Veteran

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