Drama Thriller
Down-and-out artist Joe Manning (John Bromfield) wakes up from a night of drunken revelry in a jail cell, where he's being held on suspicion for the murder of a nightclub singer.
Directed by
Lee Sholem
Joyce Jameson
Gloria Wayne
Henry Calvin
Red Waller
John Pickard
Harry Dorn, Bartender
Patricia Blair
Christine 'Christy' Rowen (as Patricia Blake)
Addison Richards
District Attorney Roy Kasden
Morgan Jones
Luther Woods
Rhodes Reason
George Niles
Julie London
Frances 'Slacks' Bennett
Robert Keys
Detective Sgt. Hollander (as Robert Keyes)
John Bromfield
Joe Manning
Mauritz Hugo
Dr. Louis Tatreau, Psychiatrist
Boyd 'Red' Morgan
High School Guard / Watchman (uncredited)
Joel Ashley
Philip Rowen
Alika Louis
Irene Crescent
Frances Morris
Nora Manning
James Parnell
Ralph Corey

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