Fantasy Comedy
A young turn-of-the-century newspaper man finds he can get hold of the next day's paper. This brings more problems than fortune, especially as his new girlfriend is part of a phony clairvoyant act.
Directed by
René Clair
George Chandler
Linda Darnell
Sylvia Smith-Stevens
Paul Guilfoyle
Bess Flowers
Anniversary Party Guest (uncredited)
Sig Ruman
Mr. Beckstein
Stanley Andrews
Eddie Acuff
Dick Powell
Lawrence 'Larry' Stevens
Claire Whitney
Edward Brophy
Jake Shomberg
Edgar Kennedy
Insp. Mulrooney
William Forrest
Mary Field
Restaurant Cashier (uncredited)
Kay Linaker
George Cleveland
Mr. Gordon
Charles Sherlock
Robert Homans
Marion Martin
Nurse (uncredited)
Charles Halton
Doctor (uncredited)
Earle Hodgins
Eddie Borden
Eilene Janssen
Fred Aldrich
Janet Shaw
Gibson Gowland
Victor Potel
Luis Alberni
Emma Dunn
Mrs. Keaver (uncredited)
Jimmy Conlin
Boarding House Tenant (uncredited)
Bud Jamison
Patsy Nash
Dorothy Vaughan
Jack Oakie
Uncle Oscar Smith
Ethel Griffies
Mrs. O'Connor (uncredited)
Robert Dudley
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Fern Emmett
Eddy Chandler
Harry Hayden
Bartender (uncredited)
Edward Biby
Harry 'Snub' Pollard
Davison Clark
Robert Emmett Keane
Romaine Callender
Charles Meakin
Howard M. Mitchell
John Philliber
Pop Benson
Fairfax Burger
Minor Role (uncredited)
Walter Bacon
Vangie Beilby
Lulu Mae Bohrman
Eddie Coke
Billy Engle
Jack Gardner
Ben Hall
Carey Harrison
Tom Quinn
Norman Stevans

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