Drama Romance
A penniless middle-aged spinster scrapes by giving piano lessons in the Dublin of the 1950s. She makes a sad last bid for love with a fellow resident of her rundown boarding house, who imagines she has the money to bankroll the business he hopes to open.
Directed by
Jack Clayton
Aidan Gillen
Youth at Liquor Store (as Aiden Murphy)
Ian McNeice
Bernard Rice
Maggie Smith
Judith Hearne
Paddy Joyce
Drunk in Pub
George Harrison
Wendy Hiller
Aunt D'Arcy
Bob Hoskins
James Madden
Niall Buggy
Mr Lenehan
Prunella Scales
Moira O'Neill
Sheila Reid
Mrs Friel
Marie Kean
Mrs. Rice
Peter Nelson
Dick Sullivan
Catherine Cusack
Una O'Neill
Isolde Cazelet
Old Woman
Leonard Maguire
Dr Bowe
Peter Gilmore
Kevin O'Neill
Veronica Quilligan
Mrs Mullen
Rudi Davies
Aine Ni Mhuiri
Edie Marinan
Kate Binchy
Sister Ignatius
Martina Stanley
Sister Mary-Paul
Frank Egerton
The Major
Kevin Flood
Owen O'Neill
James Holland
Shaun O'Neill
Emma Jane Lavin
Young Judith
Alan Radcliffe
Young Priest
Seamus Newham
Taxi Driver
Paul Boyle
Taxi Driver
Marjorie Hogan
Old Woman
Gerard O'Hagan
Anna Murphy
Girl Giggler
Gemma Murphy
Girl Giggler

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