Drama Action Thriller Crime
Eddie Macon is running from a nightmare... running to a dream... running for his life and his time is running out. He's escaped a Texas prison for the second time (risking life imprisonment if caught) to make it back to his wife and son. Relentlessly pursued by ruthless truant officer, Carl Marzack, who feels he must prove he can still 'get his man' by returning Macon to jail at any cost.
Directed by
Jeff Kanew
John Goodman
Mr. Hebert
Kirk Douglas
Carl 'Buster' Marzack
John Schneider
Eddie Macon
Mark Margolis
5:00 Bar Owner
Lee Purcell
Jilly Buck
Todd Allen
Desk Sergeant
Jay O. Sanders
Rudy Potts
Leah Ayres
Chris Macon
Tom Noonan
Darryl Potts
Dann Florek
Man in Bar
Matthew Cowles
Ray Banes
J.T. Walsh
Man in Bar
Gil Rogers
Lisa Dunsheath
Kay Potts
J.C. Quinn
Vic Polizos
Desk Clerk
Nesbitt Blaisdell
Sheriff Nighblack
Lou Hancock
Matthew Meece
Bobby Macon

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