Drama Thriller
Inspired by true events, Olympic swimmer Harry Melchior defects from East Germany in the 1960s and hatches a daring plot to help his sister and others flee East Berlin through a 145-yard underground tunnel.
Directed by
Roland Suso Richter
Florian Panzner
Nicolette Krebitz
Friederike " Fritzi " Scholz
Mehmet Kurtuluş
Vittorio Castanza
Heino Ferch
Harry Melchior
Alexandra Maria Lara
Lotte Lohmann
Claudia Michelsen
Carola Hiller
Sebastian Koch
Matthis Hiller
Wilfried Hochholdinger
Uwe Kockisch
Oberst Krüger
Heinrich Schmieder
Theo Lohmann
Karin Baal
Marianne von Krausnitz
Felix Eitner
Fred von Klausnitz
Christine Harbort
Frau Meckel
Wolf-Dietrich Sprenger
Fotograf Grüner
Dorothea Moritz
Sarah Kubel
Ina Lohmann
Ruth Glöss
Mutter Fritzi
Wilhelm Manske
Hans Nitschke
Trainer Harry

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