Action Adventure
John, a blacksmith and swordsmith, is tutored at Camelot. As a commoner, he can't hope to win the hand of Lady Linet, daughter of the Earl of Yeoniland, so he creates a secret alternate identity as the Black Knight. In this new role, he is now able to help King Arthur when Saracens and Cornish men—disguised as Vikings -- plot to take over the country.
Directed by
Tay Garnett
Peter Cushing
Sir Palamides
Laurence Naismith
Major Domo
Patricia Medina
Alan Ladd
Anthony Bushell
King Arthur
Harry Andrews
Earl Of Yeonil
John Laurie
Patrick Troughton
King Mark
Ronald Adam
The Abbot
Pauline Jameson
Lady Yeonil
André Morell
Sir Ontzlake
Dennis O'Keefe
Bob Simmons
Bill Brandon
John Kelly
The Woodchopper
Jean Lodge
Queen Guenevere
Basil Appleby
Sir Hal
Tommy Moore
The Apprentice
Olwen Brookes
Lady Ontzlake
Elton Hayes

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