Action Drama
After opening with gratuitous soft-core intercourse, followed by the killing of the heads of a criminal gang seeking control of Thailand’s drug trade, things get a little better. In an early role, Carrie Ng leads a Thai police task force and issues a lot of orders while posing in a rather striking paramilitary uniform! Moon Lee and Yukari are sent into the jungle as undercover operatives running a sting operation. Eventually they run the gang to ground, ambushing a river opium convoy amid a string of double-crosses. Although hundreds of rounds are expended throughout the movie, the gun play tends to be formulaic.
Directed by
Tony Lou Chun-Ku
Written by
Tony Lou Chun-Ku
Tommy Wong
Chiang Tai Su / Somi
Carrie Ng
Colonel Carry Pai
Gary Daniels
Thug at beach
Sophia M. Crawford
PTU team member
Moon Lee
Yukari Ôshima
Betty Mak Chui-Han
Miss Yie Feng / Wu Chin Lan
Ma On
Ma, hotel manager
Mark Houghton
Sex trader's thug
Chan Lau
Lee Ho-Kwan
Somi's thug

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