Comedy Horror TV Movie Romance
Phil, Melissa, Mitch, Mary, and Vinnie are high school friends, who unwittingly raise the dead on Halloween night. Once the dead have returned, Pitchford Cove will never be the same again....or will it?
Directed by
Jack Bender
Written by
William Bleich
Macaulay Culkin
Halloween Kid (uncredited)
Lee Montgomery
Phil Grenville
Kurtwood Smith
Captain Warren Jensen
Mark Blankfield
The Ghoul
Kevin McCarthy
Judge Crandall
LeVar Burton
Vinnie Davis
Shari Belafonte
Melissa Cavender
Sheila Larken
Janet Greenville
Peter DeLuise
Mitch Crandall
Ted King
Death (uncredited)
Hank Garrett
Sgt. Thompson
Jonna Lee
Sandy Matthews
Cindy Morgan
Vicky Jensen
Dedee Pfeiffer
Mary Masterson
Dick Van Patten
Martin Grenville
Jonelle Allen
Lucinda Cavender
Wolfman Jack
Radio D.J. (voice)
Joe Gieb
Vachik Mangassarian
Opera Singer
Dennis Redfield
Lester Mitchell
Bill DeLand
Man in Police Station
Mickey Morton
Vernon Nestor
Laura Owens
Adam Myman
Jennifer Shockey
Scott L. Treger
Frankenstein Rick (uncredited)
Larry Ludwig
Milkman (uncredited)
Rebecca Both
Beehive Dancer / Halloween Party (uncredited)

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