Horror Mystery
Every year, on June 27th, in a small village in New England, inhabited by no more than 300 people, a lottery is held in which a family is chosen as part of a ritual to ensure a good harvest.
Directed by
Larry Yust
Written by
Shirley Jackson, Larry Yust
Ed Begley Jr.
Jack Watson
William Fawcett
Old Man Warner
Irene Tedrow
Mrs. Graves
Nancy Hale
Mrs. Adams
Joe Haworth
Bill Hutchinson
William Benedict
Joe Summers
Clifton Fadiman
Jim Boles
Olive Dunbar
Tessie Hutchinson
Donna Bowen
Blanche Bronte
Mrs. Delacroix
Alan Brown
Mr. Delacroix
Susan Healy
Gavin Jones
Mavonwe Jones
Dorothy Konrad
Janie Dunbar
Richard Kozloski
Steve Adams
Terry Reed

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