Drama Comedy
Lending money, job hunting for civilians and babysitting. All these things are usually not listed on a policeman's job description. But for the officers of this local police station, it‘s part of their daily routine. One day, patrolman Yoshii (Hisaya Morishige) finds an abandoned baby and a six year old girl standing in front of the station. When he's declined by the welfare office, orphanage and local health clinic to take them in, he decides to take care of them himself.
Directed by
Seiji Hisamatsu
Chōko Iida
Tatsu, the mother
Eijirō Tōno
Old man Murata
Rentaro Mikuni
Patrolman Hanakawa
Jō Shishido
Patrolman Yabuta
Jun Tatara
Sadako Sawamura
Masao Mishima
Chief Ishiwari
Haruko Sugimura
Moyo Sugita
Hisaya Morishige
Patrolman Yoshii
Yoshiko Tsubouchi
Shizu, the mother
Yūnosuke Itō
Noriko Sengoku
Taiji Tonoyama
Patrolman Kuramochi
Terumi Niki
Kaneko Iwasaki
Aya Nita
Miki Odagiri

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