Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi Thriller
During the Cold War, an organization called "Patriot" created a super-hero squad, which includes members of multiple soviet republics. For years, the heroes had to hide their identities, but in hard times they must show themselves again.
Directed by
Sarik Andreasyan
Written by
Andrey Gavrilov
Valeriya Shkirando
Maj. Elena Larina
Alina Lanina
Marusya Klimova
Oleg Poddubnyy
Konstantin Adaev
Vyacheslav Razbegaev
Gen. Nikolay Dolgov
Anton Pampushnyy
Arseniy / Arsus
Sebastien Sisak
Ler / Lernik
Aleksandr Komissarov
Sanjar Madi
Temirkhan / Khan
Vladimir Butenko
Stanislav Shirin
Avgust Kuratov
Sergey Shatalov
Igor Maslov
Aleksandr Semyonov
Evgeny Venediktov
Dmitriy Savyanenko
Nikolay Shestak
Anna Shkil
Viktor Pashkin
Stanislav Kolomoets
Ilya Kuvshinov

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