Comedy Drama Romance
Struggling to adjust to her new life in Taipei, introverted high school girl Miao Miao opens up after meeting outgoing classmate Xiao Ai who becomes increasingly enamoured with her new friend. Unaware of Xiao Ai's confused feelings for her, Miao Miao falls for brooding CD shop owner Chen Fei, who seems determined to block out the world with a pair of headphones.
Directed by
Cheng Hsiao-Tse
Written by
Jimmy Ngai Shiu-Yan, Cheng Hsiao-Tse, Yi-Fen Tsai
Julian Cheung
Kang-Ren Wu
Bei Jiaxin
Sandrine Pinna
Xiao Ai
Kitamura Toyoharu
Darth Vader
Ko Chia-yen
Miao Miao
Chu Chung-heng
Xiao Ai's Father
Yung-Feng Lee
Second-hand Record Store Owner
Jen-Ya Wu
No. 5
Fan Wing
Chen Fei
Shao-Huai Chang
Amiya Lee
Counter Woman

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