Horror TV Movie Drama
A year after her mother's death, Hannah resumes her training at one of the country's top teaching hospitals. She is soon terrified by strange visions and the threatening behaviour of her ex-boyfriend and star surgeon Nick and wonders if she has come back too soon. But beneath the hospital's reputation of medical excellence she discovers a secret network of dangerous experiments pushing back the boundaries of science.
Directed by
James Hawes
Written by
Paul Cornell
Emily Beecham
Stella Hamilton
Caroline Goodall
Juliette Randall
Claire Foy
Hannah Carter
Ben Miles
Joe Sennet
Matti Houghton
Jess Black
Jo Hartley
Loz Westmoor
Stephen Campbell Moore
Nick Gates
Gregg Chillin
Rafee Hussein
Arsher Ali
Adam Hussein
Alan Williams
Charlie Maddox
Emma Stansfield
Eileen Davies
Mrs Maddox

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