Drama History Action
In the year 1868, three young men join the elite Shogitai division of the Shogunate. The Shogitai fights to the end and opposes the dismantling of the feudal military dictatorship known as the Bakufu system.
Directed by
Tatsuo Kobayashi
Mugi Kadowaki
Sayo Fukuhara
Yuko Takayama
Daisuke Ryū
Joe Odagiri
Tokunoshin Mori
Kai Inowaki
Yuya Yagira
Kiwamu Akitsu
Amane Okayama
Teijiro Fukuhara
Koji Seto
Masanosuke Yoshimori
Reiko Fujiwara
Rie Minemura
Mantaro Koichi
Haruna Muranaka
Norimizu Ameya
Karie Kahimi

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