Action Comedy
Conny is a chemistry teacher who is framed for drug possession. Unable to prove his innocence he ends up in prison. When he finds a secret exit some inmates "persuade" him to participate in a heist. Things become extremely hectic as he tries to prove his innocence as well as "helping" his inmates. When Conny thinks that it couldn't possibly get any worse he meets Susanne, a policewoman...
Directed by
Jonas Frick
Written by
Björn Skifs, Bengt Palmers
Eddie Axberg
Gunnel Fred
Susanne Lindh
Allan Svensson
Stefan Sauk
Alf Brinke
Johan Ulveson
Thorsten Flinck
Prison Guard
Björn Skifs
Gino Samil
Magnus Nilsson
Kåre Sigurdson
Dr. Sörman
Roland Stenström
Chief of Police
Sonja Hejdeman
School Principal
Lars Dejert
Susanne's neighbour
Maud Hyttenberg
Elderly lady refusing to cross the street
Michaela Jolin
Rolf Rang
Richard Flinck
Jan Norrman
Lennart Järnstad

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