War Adventure Drama
At the turn of the twentieth century a young merchant is abducted by a group of brigands who are sheltered in a remote mountainous area of Greece aiming to extract ransom from his wealthy family. The young man develops a kind of sympathy to the arch-brigand and realizes that the underground life and moral code of his kidnappers actually represent a more genuine expression of “New Hellenism” than his bourgeois well-being.
Directed by
Lakis Papastathis
Written by
Lakis Papastathis
Nena Menti
Dinos Lyras
Ivonni Maltezou
Kostas Arzoglou
Manolis Logiadis
Yorgos Sambanis
Alexis Damianos
Giorgos Kotanidis
Smaragda Smyrnaiou
Mimis Hrysomallis
Stavros Mermigis
Michail Marmarinos
Paninos Damianos
Nikos Fronimopoulos
Maria Goudi
Marianna Koutalou

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