Drama TV Movie
John and Debbie Challender have been trying to conceive a child for ten years. Because this hasn't worked they adopted a son, but Debbie still feels she has missed out on something not knowing what it's like to feel life inside of her. They decide to seek treatment from a so-called 'miracle doctor' Ash at Irvine University. Although John doesn't like the doctor they go ahead with the treatment, which almost kills Debbie. All ends well though and they become the parents of another son. Meanwhile the office manager of Dr. Ash's clinic become more and more suspicious when she finds out that some of his nurses are not licensed RN's.
Directed by
David Hugh Jones
Written by
Stephanie Liss
Alicia Coppola
Nurse Beth
Marilu Henner
Debbie Challender
Linda Lavin
Marilyn Killane
James Sutorius
Sen. Thomas Hayden
Cristine Rose
Rina Manelli
Castulo Guerra
Dr. Ricardo Asch
Randle Mell
John Challender
Pamela Dunlap
Supervisor Maryann
Forbes Riley
Francine Merrill
Carolyn Mignini
Darlene Mettler
Largo Woodruff
Nurse Marlene
Jake Sakson
J.R. Challender
Lisa Chess
Dr. Chess
Peter Crook
Del Roth
Gregg Almquist
Pastor Dan Metter
Marva Hicks
Receptionist Tanya
Cynthia Steele
Receptionist Mardi
D. Paul Thomas
Atty. Walter Matheson

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