Comedy Romance Drama
Tess McGill is an ambitious secretary with a unique approach for climbing the ladder to success. When her classy, but villainous boss breaks a leg skiing, Tess takes over her office, her apartment and even her wardrobe. She creates a deal with a handsome investment banker that will either take her to the top, or finish her off for good.
Directed by
Mike Nichols
Harrison Ford
Jack Trainer
Sigourney Weaver
Katharine Parker
Melanie Griffith
Tess McGill
Alec Baldwin
Mick Dugan
Oliver Platt
Joan Cusack
Jeffrey Nordling
Tim Rourke
Kevin Spacey
Bob Speck
Timothy Carhart
Tim Draper
Philip Bosco
Oren Trask
Ricki Lake
David Duchovny
Tess's Birthday Party Friend
Nora Dunn
Olympia Dukakis
Personnel Director
Zach Grenier
Marceline Hugot
Matthew Bennett
Rhumba Guy (uncredited)
Robert Easton
Caroline Aaron
Petty Marsh Secretary
Amy Aquino
Alice Baxter
Elizabeth Whitcraft
Doreen DiMucci
Suzanne Shepherd
Trask Receptionist
Julia Silverman
Petty Marsh Secretary
Carly Simon
Maggie Wagner
Tess's Birthday Party Friend
Nancy Giles
Petty Marsh Secretary
Peter Duchin
Trask Wedding Orchestra
Anita Finlay
Receptionist (uncredited)
Barbara Garrick
Phyllis Trask
Lou DiMaggio
Tess's Birthday Party Friend
Frank Ferrara
George Gerard
Staten Island Ferry Commutor (uncredited)
Eric Kramer
Office Party-Goer (uncredited)
Trish Cook
Staten Island Secretary (uncredited)
Kevin Fennessy
Trask Executive (uncredited)
Maeve McGuire
Trask Secretary
James Lally
Georgienne Millen
Tess's Birthday Party Friend
Judy Milstein
Petty Marsh Secretary
Nicole Chevance
Petty Marsh Secretary
Kathleen Gray
Petty Marsh Secretary
Jane B. Harris
Petty Marsh Secretary
Sondra Hollander
Petty Marsh Secretary
Samantha Shane
Petty Marsh Secretary
Jim Babchak
Jr. Executive
Ralph Byers
Dewey Stone Reception Guest
Leslie Ayvazian
Dewey Stone Reception Guest
Paige Matthews
Dewey Stone Receptionist
Lee Dalton
John Romano
Madolin B. Archer
Barbara Trask
Etain O'Malley
Hostess at Wedding
Lloyd Lindsay Young
TV Weatherman
Lily Froehlich
Clerk at Dry Cleaner's
Mario T. DeFelice Jr.
Helicopter Pilot
Anthony Mancini Jr.
Helicopter Pilot
Priscilla Cory
Pretty Brunette Office Girl (uncredited)
Marilyn Dobrin
Cyn's Aunt (uncredited)
Tom Sean Foley
Office Worker (uncredited)
Dhonna Harris Goodale
Secretary (uncredited)
Daniel Henning
Young Businessman (uncredited)
Elisa London
Secretary (uncredited)
Karen Starr
Secretary (uncredited)
Alison Wachtler
Petty Marshall Secretary (uncredited)

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