Comedy Romance
A pair of lovers are secreting away to Paris for a quick divorce and marriage when they find themselves trapped in a "hotel" where they are forced to get to know each other better and reconsider their plans. They learn a lot about each other, and themselves.
Directed by
J. Walter Ruben
Written by
A.A. Milne, H.W. Hanemann
Vernon Steele
Saunders, the Chauffeur
Alan Mowbray
Gilbert Emery
Dominic, the Butler
Reginald Owen
Clive Brook
Mr. Latimer
Billie Burke
Phyllis Barry
The Brunette Chambermaid
Diana Wynyard
Robert Adair
Jacob, the heavy Footman
Walter Armitage
Joseph, the thin Footman
Katherine Williams
The Blonde Chambermaid

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