Crime Drama
Gunner O'Hara is about to be released from prison after serving a five-year sentence, and receives a visit from his twin brother John, a divinity student soon to be ordained as a priest. Aware that Gunner plans to resume his criminal career, John decides to stop him.
Directed by
R.G. Springsteen
Written by
John K. Butler
Don Haggerty
Prison Guard (uncredited)
Lee Van Cleef
Flash Logan
Ray Middleton
Police Chief Corbett
James Griffith
Smiley Di Angelo
Sean McClory
Gunner O'Hara / John O'Hara
Willis Bouchey
Warden Lewis J. Johnson
Roy Roberts
District Attorney
Hugh Sanders
Tim Donovan
Jaclynne Greene
Philip Van Zandt
Jake Freeman
Peter Mamakos
Charlie Green
Frank Gerstle
Dum-Dum Wilson
Joanne Jordan
Joan Marlowe
Robert Crosson
Danny Marlowe

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