Action Comedy Fantasy
The sword saint requests a duel with god of sword at the apex of the forbidden city to determine the worlds best. As the date of the duel nears troubles befall the imperial town until everything is revealed at the climactic fight.
Directed by
Andrew Lau Wai-Keung
Written by
Manfred Wong Man-Chun, Wong Jing
Norman Chui Siu-Keung
Lin Yun He/Thief Ghost
Andy Lau Tak-Wah
Cool-Son Yeh
Nick Cheung Ka-Fai
Dragon 9
Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong
Gold Moustache
Kristy Yang
Ye Ziqing
Patrick Tam
The Emperor
Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin
Simon the Snow Blower 'Saint of Sword'
Zhao Wei
Princess Phoenix
Ronald Wong
Dragon 6
Frankie Ng Chi-Hung
Hawk Brother Six
Tien Hsin
Geng Le
Eunuch Liu Tong
Wong Yat-fei
Jerry Lamb Hiu-Fung
Dragon 7
David Lee Wai-Sheung
Shi Zi Tun

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