Animation Sci-Fi Thriller
An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result.
Directed by
Richard Linklater
Keanu Reeves
Bob Arctor
Robert Downey Jr.
James Barris
Winona Ryder
Donna Hawthorne
Woody Harrelson
Ernie Luckman
George Clooney
Rory Cochrane
Charles Freck
Jason Douglas
New Path Farm Manager
Alex Jones
Street Prophet
Dameon Clarke
Marco Perella
Steven Chester Prince
Turk Pipkin
Gary Teague
Brown Bear Lodge Member (uncredited)
Mitch Baker
Brown Bear Lodge Host
Ken Webster
Medical Officer #2
Chamblee Ferguson
Medical Deputy #2
Wilbur Penn
Medical Officer #1
Melody Chase
Arctor's Wife
Lisa Marie Newmyer
Angela Rawna
Medical Deputy #1
Sean Allen
Additional Fred Scramble Suit Voice (voice)
Cliff Haby
Voice from Headquarters (voice)
Natasha Valdez
Mark Turner
Additional Hank Scramble Suit Voice (voice)
Eliza Stevens
Arctor's Daughter #1
Sarah Menchaca
Arctor's Daughter #2
Leif Anders
Freck Suicide Narrator (voice)
Hugo Perez
New Path Staff Member #1
Rommel Sulit
New Path Staff Member #2
Christopher Ryan
New Path Resident #1
Leila Plummer
New Path Resident #2
Erin Ferguson

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