Comedy Romance
Fred, George, Doug and Howie are quickly reaching middle-age. Three of them are married, only Fred is still a bachelor. They want something different than their ordinary marriages, children and TV-dinners. In secret, they get themselves an apartment with a beautiful young woman, Kathy, for romantic rendezvous. But Kathy does not tell them that she is a sociology student researching the sexual life of the white middle-class male.
Directed by
Michael Gordon
Howard Morris
Howard McIllenny
James Garner
Fred Williams
Oskar Homolka
Dr. Prokosch
Kim Novak
Howard Duff
Doug Jackson
Sandra Gould
Miss Plotnik (uncredited)
Tony Randall
George Drayton
William Bendix
Billy Halop
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Caryl Lincoln
Game Spectator (uncredited)
Jim Backus
Peter Bowers
Fred Clark
Mr. Bohannon
Patti Page
Joanne McIllenny
Larry Keating
Mr. Bingham
Janet Blair
Marge Drayton
Susan Hart
Bit Part (uncredited)
Anne Jeffreys
Toni Jackson
Jessie Royce Landis
Ethel Williams
Ruth McDevitt
Beulah Partridge
Herschel Graham
Doorman (uncredited)
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Boss' Girl Friend

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