Drama Thriller TV Movie
Martha "Red" Tierney used to be a hot-shot reporter, but that was before alcohol took over her life. One morning Martha's son, Jonathan, leaves for school, stopping first to meet his father for breakfast. But Jonathan never meets his dad. Instead, he is picked up by Lawrence, a pedophile who has been watching him. Now Martha must overcome her alcoholism and her bitterness towards her ex-husband and use her old investigative skills to find her son before it's too late.
Directed by
Karen Arthur
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Mrs. Beauchamps
Meredith Baxter
Martha Tierney (as Meredith Baxter-Birney
Christopher Reeve
Lawrence Muller
Shirley Knight
Katie Leonard
Wings Hauser
Patrick Tierney
JoBeth Williams
Lenora Nemetz
Richard Bradford
Sgt. Pete Mooney
Anne Twomey
Sarah Jennings (as Ann Twomey)
Etta Cox
Terrence Mann
Ben Nicolaides
Richard Joseph Paul
Jeff Donner
David Early
Leslie Gail
Cheryl Mason
Travis Swords
Barry Weller
Corey Carrier
Jonathan Tierney
Audra Blaser
William Cameron
Roger Freemantle
Ann Kittredge
Zachary Mott

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