Horror Drama Comedy
A doe-eyed knife-wielding killer is on the loose in a small town slicing and dicing men of questionable intent left and right. As her brutality leaves a town littered with corpses, her unquenchable blood-lust is lost on her young lover who is willing to pursue her regardless of the obvious warning signs of psychosis. Will he meet his end at the end of her blade? She decides who lives or dies!
Directed by
Nathan Oliver
Written by
Albert I. Melamed, Nathan Oliver
Malcolm McDowell
Gerald Portersen
Michael Madsen
Doctor Douglass
Daniel Baldwin
Daniel's father
Ron Jeremy
Sabrina Campilii
Dennis Andres
Bianca Beauchamp
Meredith Heinrich
Alysa King
Lake Girl (as Raphael Grosz-Harvey)
Kate Daly
Josh Dolphin
Donna Kinch
Drew Davies
Stuff a Pup Kid
Mitch Risman
Stuff a Pup Manager
Donick Laviolette
Mystery Man / Father
Anthony D'Alessandro
Disco Victim #2
Brandon Wickens
Disco Victim #1
Peter Kaperonis
Club Doorman
Nicholas Merizzi
Lake Boy (as Lucien Bergeron)
Christopher Kralik
Police Clerk (as Chris Kralik)
David Arrayet
Station Police

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