Animation Action Comedy Family
Larryboy and fellow superhero, Dark Crow, scramble to learn a lesson in sharing. But it doesn’t come over-easy when they discover Greta Von Gruesome and Awful Alvin are the terrible team of trouble that has struck Bumblyburg with their new invention: the Over-Easy-Egg ray. Everything turns into a hard-boiled mess as this deceptive duo zaps everything in sight. Larryboy has to learn that sharing means working together as he and Dark Crow team up to share the responsibilities of fighting this crime. Will he learn this lesson before he and Dark Crow become the world’s biggest superhero omelet? See what happens in this exciting Larryboy adventure.
Directed by
Larry Whitaker
Written by
Sean Roche, Larry Whitaker
Phil Vischer
Archie/Bob the Tomato (voice)
Mike Nawrocki
LarryBoy (voice)
Lisa Vischer
Junior Asparagus (voice)
Shari Belgeau
Vicki Cucumber (voice)
Marc Graue
Bok Choy (voice)
Anita Protich
Greta von Gruesome/Lemon Twist (voice)

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