Adventure Drama
Prince Almalarik is a royalty building an extensive harem of European beauties. When his latest acquisition named Sara convinces him to abandon polygamy, the other wives conspire to get rid of the unwanted competition.
Directed by
Sergio Garrone
Written by
Sergio Garrone, Federico Aicardi, Heinz Freitag, Alberto Vázquez Figueroa
Marina Hedman
Aldo Sambrell
Bedouin Chief
Adriana Vega
Daniela Poggi
George Lazenby
Prince Almalarik
Ursula Buchfellner
María Kosty
The Greek
Gérard Tichy
Mirta Miller
Serafino Profumo
Corinne Cléry
Sergio Smacchi
Karin Fiedler
Peter Lamarr
Enrica Donniccelli
Elisabetta Maggi
Antonio Azzolini
Willey Reynolds

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