Drama Romance
A waitress from Chicago falls in love with a man from rural Minnesota and marries him, with the intent of living a better life - but life on the farm has its own challenges.
Directed by
F. W. Murnau
Written by
Berthold Viertel, Marion Orth
Charles Lane
Man at Train Station (uncredited)
Richard Alexander
Jack Pennick
Reaper (uncredited)
Mark Hamilton
Greasy the Reaper (uncredited)
Guinn "Big Boy" Williams
Michael Mark
Man Standing at Cafe (uncredited)
Ed Brady
Helen Lynch
Girl on Train (uncredited)
Roscoe Ates
Edith Yorke
Lem's Mother
David Torrence
Lem's Father
Anne Shirley
Marie Tustine
Marjorie Beebe
Waitress (uncredited)
Arnold Lucy
Cafe Patron (uncredited)
Charles Farrell
Lem Tustine
Tom McGuire
Eddie Boland
Reaper (uncredited)
David Rollins
Reaper (uncredited)
Mary Duncan
Ivan Linow
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A.H. Van Buren
Patrick Rooney
Harry Gripp
Reaper (uncredited)
William Sundholm
Cafe Patron (uncredited)
Arthur Kay

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