Drama Action Comedy Crime
A crooked cop, a mob boss and the young girl they abuse are the denizens of a city's criminal underworld. It's a world that ordinary Arthur Poppington doesn't understand and doesn't belong in, but is committed to fighting when he changes into a vigilante super-hero of his own making, Defendor. With no power other than courage Defendor takes to the streets to protect the city's innocents.
Directed by
Peter Stebbings
Written by
Peter Stebbings
Woody Harrelson
Arthur Poppington / Defendor
Kat Dennings
Katrina Debrofkowitz
Tatiana Maslany
Sandra Oh
Dr. Park
Michael Kelly
Paul Carter
Elias Koteas
Chuck Dooney
Charlotte Sullivan
Clark Johnson
Roger Fairbanks
Dakota Goyo
Jack Carter - 9
Lisa Ray
Dominique Ball
A.C. Peterson
Radovan Kristic
Tony Nappo
Biker Cliff
Lyriq Bent
Kristin Booth
Wendy Carter
Peter Stebbings
Michael Cram
Bryan Renfro
Mr. Debrofkowitz
Matt Gordon
James Preston Rogers
Biker Bob
Ron White
Judge Wilson
John Paul Ruttan
Jack Carter - 4
David Gardner
Grandpa Henry
Graham Abbey
Constable Mike
Max Dreesen
Young Arthur

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