Adventure Drama Family
Mischievous Huck Finn is unnerved when his father, reemerging after years away, kidnaps him in an attempt to take away a $600 inheritance from his late mother. Fearing for his life, Huck fakes his own death and escapes. He soon runs into his friend, Jim, a slave fleeing his master. Together, the pair embarks on a raft journey down the Mississippi River, staying ahead of pursuers who blame the slave for Huck's alleged murder.
Directed by
Stephen Sommers
Ron Perlman
Pap Finn
Elijah Wood
Huck Finn
Frances Conroy
Scrawny Shanty Lady
Anne Heche
Mary Jane Wilks
Robbie Coltrane
The Duke
Jason Robards
The King
James Gammon
Deputy Hines
Laura Bell Bundy
Susan Wilks
Dana Ivey
Widow Douglas
Courtney B. Vance
Leon Russom
Shanty Lady's Husband
Alex Zuckerman
Joe Rodgers
Curtis Armstrong
Country Jake
Renee O'Connor
Julia Wilks
Tom Aldredge
Dr. Robinson
Marion Zinser
Levi Bell
Danny Tamberelli
Ben Rodgers
Mike Watson
Joe Turner
Mary Louise Wilson
Miss Watson
Gary Lee Davis
Fighting Man #1
Paxton Whitehead
Harvey Wilks
Dion Anderson
Garette Ratliff Henson
Billy Grangerford
John Henry Scott
Abe Turner
Denman C. Anderson
Book Worm
Richard Anders
Col. Grangerford
Elaine Fjellman
Miss Sophie Grangerford
Janet Shea
Mother Grangerford
Jay R. Unger
Mark Allen Branson
William Wilks
Hoskins Deterly
Russell Paul Parkerson
The Fishing Boy
Kimberly Latrice Hall
Paul Dewees
Evelyn B. Bunch
Jingo Lady

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